The Evolution of Severe Convective Storms on July 21, 1992 in Central Europe -
A Comprehensive Dataset for Mesoscale Research

Ulli Finke and Thomas Hauf, Eds.

(Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt)

On 21 July, 1992 several severe convective storms developed over Central Europe ahead of an approaching cold front. They caused considerable damage and several fatalities, especially in Switzerland and Southern Germany.

In the same summer, the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany organized a meteorological field experiment CLEOPATRA to investigate clouds. The storms on July, 21 occurred during an intensive observational period of the experiment and were well documented by many observational platforms: such as satellites, aircraft, radar, lightning network, ground-based weather stations.

This CD-ROM contains the whole observational dataset for this extraordinary event together with numerical model simulations. All instruments and systems are documented and helpful references are provided. A large number of quick-look images give an overview of the data.

The dataset is suitable for researchers and also for interested laymen. It offers a unique possibility to learn about the cause and nature of these storms in a comprehensive way.

Ein Beispiel aus dieser CD-ROM des DLR: Die Blitzhäufigkeit in Süddeutschland am 21.Juli 1992

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Data contained herein are for scientific, private and non-commercial use only. Any use of this material must be acknowledged by referencing title, editors and affiliation of this CDROM. Acknowledgement must also be given to the data providing person or organization. Conditions of use of individual datasets contained herein are listed elsewhere (e.g. for METEOSAT data) and must be checked.
Data were provided by individual persons or institutions. Neither the editors nor the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt accept responsibility for the quality of the data. In case of doubt please contact the editors or the individual contributors.


Corresponding editor's address:

Ulli Finke
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen
Post Box 1116
82230 Wessling
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