Excursions 1998

This page details the vacations and work trips that we took in 1998. Just click on any of the photos to get a bigger picture.

California/Hawaii (January 1998)

We had a great time seeing all of Beverly's extended family in Hawaii. Ernie took us all around Oahu and Maui. He also showed us the big town of Makawao. We only had a week in Hawaii so we'll definitely have to go back (hopefully soon).

Here's Bev and the J. Paul Getty Center in LA. While the art isn't all that great, the architecture and gardens are definitely worth a visit.

Assateague, MD (April 1998)

Bev and I had a short camping vacation on Maryland's eastern shore in Assateague, Maryland. We stayed right on the beach and even shared our campsite with some of the wild ponies.

Here's a wild pony hanging out next to our tent. If you look close you can see Bev inside the tent.

In early April it was mighty chilly on the beach. That's Bev standing next to our only heating and cooking source - the fire pit. Carey forgot the stove to cook the food. What a dope!

Kentucky Derby, KY (May 1998)

This page has a few photos that highlight some of the activities during a bachelor party road trip to the 1998 Kentucky Derby. You can see lots more pictures at the following page.

Jones Mountain, VA (May 1998)

Bev and I joined two other friends for a short camping vacation in a small cabin in the Shenandoah National Park. The weather was great and we enjoyed doing some high performance porch rocking.

Here's Bev and Carey on the trail, hiking up to the cabin via the Stanton River trail.

Here is the Jones Mountain cabin where we stayed. It's an old structure, dating back over 150 years.

Fry Canyon, UT (June 1998)

Carey went out to a very remote part of Southeast Utah to help out on a work related project. The project is testing a new technology for remediating groundwater contamination.

That's Carey near an Anasazi ruin, about 25 miles south of Blanding, UT.

Graves Mountain, VA (July 1998)

Beverly and Carey joined a few friends for a very relaxing three day vacation out in the Shenandoah mountains. We played basketball, hiked to a beautiful waterfall on the White Oak Canyon trail (see photo).

Boundary Waters Canoe Area, MN (September 1998)

Our big trip for 1998 was a canoe and camping trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area on the U.S./Canada border. Joing us on the trip was Karl and Paul . Karl works for the Minnesota Department of Fisheries. He really helped figure out what we need to bring, where to go, where to fish, and practically everything else.

Here's our rental car for the week long trip into Minnesotan wilderness. Each canoe had two large bags filled with our camping gear, clothing, and food.

That's Karl (in the back) and Paul fishing on Grampa lake (great place for fishing).

That's Paul (with a heavy beard) portaging gear and dinner from Grampa Lake over to Devil Walk's Bay where we had a campsite.

Karl was a master fisherman and here he's cleaning fish that we caught for dinner.

Here's Bev early in the morning on Lake Ogishgemucie (a gorgeous lake).

That was my view of the BWCA for the entire week.

That's my pride and joy catch. I caught this 18 inch small mounth bass on Grampa Lake.

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Last updated November 11, 1998.

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