Interested in Helping?

The following page is intended to inform readers how they can help communities like Navrongo and Lawra. Please drop us a line if you know of another way to help these communities.


TRAX is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Ghana. TRAX's objectives are to:

If you are interested in working with TRAX or finding out more information the please write to them at: TRAX Program Support; P.O. Box 230; Bolgatanga, UE/R; Ghana, West Africa.


DERF NETWORKS constitute a group of engineers, rural community development workers, and marketing officers who offer the following services:

If you are interested in working with TRAX or finding out more information the please write to them at: DERF NETWORKS; P.O. Box 169; Navrongo, UE/R; Ghana, West Africa.

Nazifat and Mohammed Productions

Nazifat and Mohammed operate a small shop in Navrongo. They are interested in establishing links to foreign markets for Ghanaian artifacts and goods (e.g., Batik postcards). If you are interested then please write to them at: Nazifat and Mohammed; P.O. Box 119; Navrongo, UE/R; Ghana, West Africa.

Ghanaians and Americans Joined for Development Aid

Ghanaians and Americans Joined for Development Aid, Inc. (GAJDA), formerly St. Margaret Shelter Care, is an independent non- profit organization founded by a number of expatriates of the West African nation of Ghana who are living in the United States. GAJDA is dedicated to assist the people of the rural Sandema District to meet a number of very critical needs, and gain increased self-sufficiency in health care, education, and economic development.

Agricultural and Rural Development Association

Agricultural and Rural Development Association is a non- profit and non- governmental organisation (NGO) geared towards the rectification of the basic environmental and agricultural problems facing rural communities in Ghana. ARA is a legal organisation under the registration No. G.306 of the Republic of Ghana. ARA works with rural folks to build a better community by increasing agricultural productivity and rural employment, opportunities to generate income, while protecting the environment.

Navrongo and Lawra WebPage

The Navrongo and Lawra WebPage is dedicated to helping communities around the world better understand life in these two small communities. If you are interested in participating in this project then please drop us a line.

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Last updated May 8, 1998.

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